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Tooth Jewelry

If you haven’t noticed, it’s all about the ‘bling’ nowadays, and our teeth have joined the party! Tooth jewelry is a form of cosmetic enhancement where sparkly embellishments are positioned on your teeth to give your smile a distinctive expression. Cosmetic dental and body art treatments like these are used to grab attention and make a strong fashion statement.

This trend has captured imaginations everywhere, which is why special procedures have been designed to ensure they do not negatively impact your oral health. At Monarch Dental Clinic, our experienced dentists provide services that cater this fashion trend in a safe and effective manner, allowing you to flaunt a twinkling smile in style!

What Gives Tooth Jewelry that Distinctive Sparkle?

The tooth crystals we provide are made with genuine Swarovski crystals which have a flat-back surface and are completely stain-resistant. Swarovski is a brand that is renowned across the world for producing the finest quality and precision-cut crystals, in various shapes, sizes and colors. The crystals manufactured by them are polished keeping in mind the highest standards of quality, making them sparkle like diamonds.

How Long Does the Tooth Jewelry Last?

Tooth jewels are applied as per the guidelines set by our team of professionals. They use natural tools to place these jewels, which can be easily removed from time to time if required, and usually last for about a year before they need to be replaced.

Will It Prove to Be Harmful?

No, a tooth jewel is not at all unhealthy or harmful, if correctly and hygienically applied. Our expert dentists make use of the best tools available today, placing the jewels with care and precision, so that you don’t experience any pain or discomfort even after the procedure. These small glass crystals can also be removed easily, whenever you’d like.

Procedure Instructions

  • First, your tooth is properly cleaned using a fluoride-free paste meant for polishing
  • The tooth is then isolated and dried out properly before placing the jewel

At Monarch Dental Clinic, we would be happy to help you with all your cosmetic dental procedures including the placement of tooth jewels that add a unique sparkle to your teeth.

  • Before-Tooth Jewelry
    After-Tooth Jewelry
    Before Tooth Jewelry After

What is tooth jewellery?

Tooth jewellery is the latest fashion craze. The jewellery when placed on the tooth creates a distinctive expression of one’s individuality. Mainly, there are 2 types of tooth jewellery available:

  • Twinkles: The jewellery is a collection of 24-carat gold and white gold jewellery and is available in over 50 different designs. Some designs include diamonds, sapphires and rubies.
  • Dental Gems: Jewellery of glass crystals available in nine different colours, namely diamond, rainbow, ruby, sapphire, emerald, emerald green, aquamarine, pink, sapphire light.

How does the jewel sparkle?

Swarovski® is one of the finest precision-cut crystals in the world. They polish the crystals to the highest standards of quality and it sparkles like diamonds. Tooth crystals are made by genuine flat back surface Swarovski crystals that are stain resistant.

Will I feel the crystal on my tooth?

Swarovski crystals are very small in diameter (only 2mm). Although, initially you will feel something on your tooth, but within a few days you will get used to it.

How to remove a tooth jewellery?

Tooth jewellery can be taken off any time by a dental professional. The tooth will have to be polished and the bonding material, if any remaining, would be removed.