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Tooth Whitening

Does your smile create an immediate impact on people you meet, impressing them with your radiance, happiness and warmth? If you need to think a little before answering that question or your response is in the negative, then it’s definitely time to make your smile brighter and healthier!

At the Monarch Dental Clinic, our team of experienced dentists can make your smile more radiant, with effective whitening procedures designed specifically for your teeth. We’ll study the root cause of your discoloration and then recommend a lightening regime that works best for you.

Why Do You Need to Consider Tooth Whitening Procedures?

There is a misconception many of us share, that teeth get yellow only through factors like neglect, irregular care and tobacco use. The truth is that as we age, our adult teeth gradually become yellow or stained due to a variety of commonplace reasons. They could be discoloured by antibiotics, genetics or certain acidic foods, and sometimes naturally have a more gray shade due to early tooth decay or illness while the tooth was forming.

At our state-of-the-art clinic, we bring you the best dentist-supervised systems, which will not only remove stains, but also help in restoring lost tooth structure and create a more pleasing smile.

How Does it Work?

Custom-fitted whitening trays are used in one of the techniques offered, where a lab technician creates uniquely-designed trays to hold the whitening solution against the enamel of your teeth. This has become one of the most popular treatment options for our patients, who report amazing and long-lasting results.

We also offer the best whitening systems, chairside bleaching/in-office bleaching, and home bleaching or night guard bleaching, which will give you a painless experience with satisfying results. In this procedure, the dentist applies either a rubber shield or a protective gel to your gums. A specially designed light then works with the gel to penetrate your teeth, helping break and remove any discoloration. This treatment requires only one visit and is therefore a quick, safe and effective way to whiten your teeth.

Basic Aftercare for Tooth Whitening Procedures

Once your teeth have been professionally whitened, it becomes essential to follow a good healthy and a balanced diet, to prevent further discoloration and staining. After the effort you put in to get your teeth whitened, it wouldn’t make sense to let your gleaming smile go dull again, would it?

Here are a few few tips that can help:

  • Cut down on sugary foods and drinks
  • Brush your teeth regularly for two minutes, twice a day
  • Visit your dentist regularly for a checkup
  • Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or consume tea and coffee for

  • Before-Bleaching
    Before Bleaching After